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Free Christian books on Spirit filled living, revival, supernatural ministry, healing, deliverance, miracles, gifts of the Holy Spirit, marriage and family, being led by the Spirit, God's guidance, faith, renewing the mind, inner wholeness, and much more. These are provided free, for the strengthening of God's people. New titles are added to this page regularly. The following books are available in PDF format and may be freely used by individuals, small groups, churches and ministries, for non-commercial purposes. These are not to be sold and must be distributed freely. Audio books (MP3) will be released here shortly.
God's Word-The Miracle Seed pdf audio
The Mighty Name of Jesus pdf audio
Receiving God's Guidance pdf audio
God's Word-The Miracle Seed pdf audio
Offenses - Don't Take Them pdf audio
Water Baptism pdf audio
Speak Your Faith pdf audio
Gifts of the Holy Spirit pdf audio
The Father's Love pdf audio
Baptism in the Holy Spirit pdf audio
Timeless Principles for the Workplace pdf audio
Understanding the Prophetic pdf audio
Revivals, Visitations & Moves of God pdf audio
Kingdom Builders pdf audio
Water Baptism pdf audio
Code of Honor pdf audio
Marriage and Family Manual pdf
The House Of God pdf
Foundations Track1 Workbook pdf audio
The Redemptive Heart of God pdf audio
The Kingdom of God pdf audio
Who We Are in Christ pdf
Biblical Attitude Towards Work pdf audio
Work – Its Original Design pdf audio
Women in the Workplace pdf audio
Divine Favor pdf audio
The Wonderful Benefits of Praying in Tongues pdf audio
Fulfilling God's Purpose for your Life pdf audio
The Conquest of the Mind pdf audio
The Presence of God pdf audio
Laying the Axe to the root pdf audio
A Church in Revival pdf audio
Open Heavens pdf audio
Don't Lose Hope pdf audio
The Power of Commitment pdf audio
The Refiner's Fire pdf audio
Giving Birth to the Purposes of God pdf audio
The Night Seasons of Life pdf audio
Don't Compromise Your Calling pdf audio
A Real Place Called Heaven pdf audio
Change pdf audio
Being Spiritually Minded And Earthly Wise pdf audio
A Time for Every Purpose pdf audio
Breaking Bondages pdf audio
God Is a Good God pdf audio
Integrity pdf audio
How to Help your Pastor pdf audio
The Spirit of Wisdom pdf audio
Living Life Without Strife pdf audio
Equipping the Saints pdf audio
Ancient Landmarks pdf audio
We Are Different pdf audio
Divine Order pdf audio
Our Redemption pdf audio
Shhh! No Gossip! pdf audio




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11列王纪上 12列王纪下 13历代志上 14历代志下 15以斯拉记
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65犹大书 66启示录
67 68 耶稣基督 69 圣灵 70 神的作为 71 旨意与引导
72 对神的关系 73 奉献与爱神 74 信而顺服 75 敬拜与赞美 76 交通与联合
77 圣经总论 78 圣经人物 79 读经与 80 祷告与灵修 81 灵命与长进
82 成圣的追求 83 教会与建造 84 聚会与行政 85 事奉的成全 86 工人与领袖
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97 历史与传记 98 各类专题 99 其它杂项 100 经文分类汇总

Spiritual Biographies and Books

[The Life and Diary of David Brainerd] - David Brainerd, Edited by Jonathan Edwards

This compilation, taken from Jonathan Edward's edited versions of David Brainerd's "Diary" and "Journal,"  as he presented the gospel to Native Americans in the face of many obstacles, both the external challenges of life in what was still the frontier of 18th century America, and internal battles as he persevered through bouts of depression during his short but fruitful life. True Classic. One of the best Christian missionary biographies ever written. Drenched in prayer.

[The Sovereignty of God] - A. W. Pink

A.W. Pink defines God's sovereignty, and then explains how God's sovereignty is characterized in creation and salvation. Then Pink discusses the relationship between God's sovereignty and the human will. Finally, Pink describes the appropriate attitude Christians should take towards God's sovereignty, and considers several difficulties that Christian may face in adopting this attitude.

[Power Through Prayer] - E. M. Bounds

Power through Prayer has been called "one of the truly great masterpieces on the theme of prayer." The term classic can appropriately be applied to this outstanding book.

[The Kneeling Christian] - An Unknown Christian

Since its first publication, The book has helped hundreds of thousands of believers discover the key to God's treasure house of blessing. This classic book on prayer, sometime before the 1930's, answers the most basic and often-asked questions Christians have about prayer

[Pilgrim Progress] - John Bunyan

Pilgrim's Progress is a great work of Christian literature. Originally composed in the 17th century, this spiritual allegory has entertained and delighted innumerous readers for over 300 years. The two parts work together as a unified whole, which describes and depicts the believer's life and struggles.

[Confessions] - Augustine of Hippo

Augustine today stands as perhaps the greatest thinker of Christian antiquity, and his Confessions is one of the great works of Western literature.

[How to Pray] - R. A. Torrey

What is the importance of prayer? How does one pray? Learn practical pointers for intelligent, effective prayer that brings God’s answers.

[Revival Addresses] - R. A. Torrey

Revival Addresses is a compilation of 40 sermons he preached at rallies around the world.

[Are You Born Again?] - J. C. Ryle

Are you born again? This is one of life's most important questions. It is not enough to reply, "I belong to the church; I suppose I'm a Christian." Thousands of nominal Christians show none of the signs of being born again which the Scriptures have given us - many listed in the First Epistle of John.

[The Way Into the Holiest] - F. B. Meyer

These chapters are altogether inadequate for the treatment of so vast a theme; but such as they are, they are sent forth, in dependence on the Divine Blessing, in the fervent hope that they may serve to make more clear and plain to those who would find and enter it, the Way into the Holiest of all

On Loving God - Bernard Clairveaux

What is love? In his text On Loving God, St. Bernard surveys the four types of love that Christians experience as they grow in their relationship with God: loving one's self, selfish love, loving God as God, and loving one's self in God.

Prayer and Praying Men - E. M. Bounds

Great men of God in Scripture, such as Paul, Ezra, Moses and Daniel, are the focus as E.M. Bounds demonstrates powerful lessons on the need for effective prayer. God's desire is for men to be on their knees in full ubjection to Him.


《耶稣基督的言与行》The Words & Works of Jesus Christ

若有人要探究基督的生平,必须直接研究祂的身分和在地上的任务。潘杰德博士从主题角度来写基督生平,由文法研究和史实方面来诠释圣经,强调必须根据事件发生的历史背景,并由字义来诠释圣经。 本书写作合参了四福音书的资料,按时序来追溯基督的一生,有助于了解祂的身分、生平带给人类的意义何等伟大。